Friday, February 27, 2009

Raisin Talks?

Hello, Class--
Trenika very nicely put together some information for us on some of the topics I thought we should go over briefly before we see "A Raisin in the Sun" next week. Do I have some volunteers to actually talk (five to ten minutes) about some of the subjects I mentioned? Maybe you can work it out amongs yourselves who wants to talk about what. Again, these aren't to be formal presentations--just little talking points that will help us all feel like we have some context for what we're about to see.



Jeni said...

I'll talk. I like to talk. Just assign me one of them, and I'll familiarize myself with it.

Jeni said...

Hey everyone, I'm going to talk about where the Civil Rights Movement was in 1959. I'll try to do a comprehensive overview of the whole movement at that time, but I'll also try to go a little more in depth about the state of things in Chicago and race relations in Chicago, since that's the setting for the play.

Douglas Branch said...

That's perfect, Jeni. I'm hoping others volunteer for the other little talks.

Kathryn said...

I'll do a talk on the history of the play and it's critical reception.