Tuesday, February 17, 2009

another film option

Mr. Branch,
the film I was mentioning to you yesterday is My Blueberry Nights. of course, we could always watch The Firm, a very Memphis film start to finish :)


Kathryn said...

My Blueberry Nights looks good, as long as we still see Hustle and Flow- I really want to see a different side of Memphis and Hustle and Flow would be a safer choice than visiting the pimps downtown and talking to them, although I'm sure I would recieve quite an education that way.

Douglas Branch said...

I think both sound like good options. I don't know anything about My Bloueberry Nights, and I've never seen The Firm, oddly enough. I had sort of considered doing it, though.

I enjoy our movie nights. And I think we're NOT going to do the book (September, September) that I had tentatively on the syllabus. So yes, let's consider one of those movies, for sure.