Thursday, February 12, 2009

Article for Paper

Hey Everyone,

I am writing an article for the Honor's paper on the Inquiry class. If you could post a comment with a few words on your thoughts on class (something very short) so that I could include some student comments in the article that would be great.


Unknown said...

I've been living in Memphis since '93 so I guess that's 15 years (scary thought) but I've never really thought about the city in too much depth. I'm really enjoying the class and the questions and thoughts it's already raised in my mind, as well as the discussions it's generated not just in the class, but with Faith, and other people in my life.

Jeni said...

The class is helping me to think in ways I haven't explored before, not only about my city, but throughout all areas of my life.

Gorea' Honors said...

This Honors course has been a wonderful opportunity for me. Although it’s still early, I already feel I’ve been exposed to a vast majority of understanding, which has enhanced my knowledge of Memphis. I feel honored to be amongst the realm of students who have so much intellect and talent to share. With 80+ hours of coursework at Southwest, I feel this is definitely one of the courses that will have a profound impact on me, regarding my college experience.