Monday, February 23, 2009

Civil Rights

Alot of you heard me complain that I didn't see the young girl who did exactly what Rosa Parks did in the museum. Her name was Claudette Colvin. She was 15 when she refused to give up her seat and she did it nine months before Rosa Parks. She has a baby shortly after this, out of wedlock, so the NAACP decided that she would not be a good face for the civil rights movement. You can see the wikipedia article on her at

I find what Claudette did really amazing. For such a young girl to take a stand like that is really amazing, and I hope she is in the civil rights museum and I just missed her.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you found this information out, it makes me sad that the movement passed her over. the wikipedia article says that she was being mentored by Rosa Parks, I wonder if her actions had an effect on Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat 9 months later...

Douglas Branch said...

This is of real interest to me, Faith. Thanks for the posting.