Monday, April 20, 2009

Honors Presentation

I am really looking forward to presenting my Honors Project. It’s been a long way coming. This particular semester was one of shortest that I could remember. It went by really quick. However, I was able to learn a whole lot as I took an exploration into the Memphis scene. I learned a lot in class as well as a lot out of class. The trips filled with tours were extremely educational and beneficial for me. As I work on my project, I am hoping to reflect just that. My presentation is kind of small in terms of minutes; it should only hold you guys about fifteen minutes or so. But, it contains tons of informative information, which I’m quite sure, most will be able to use. I hope all is coming along fine with you all’s project. As I did my project, I took time to visit the main library on Poplar Ave, to research some of the statistics included in my project. I also took advantage of the opportunity to familiarize myself with the “fairly new library”. Of course, I know it’s not that new, but it is if you hadn’t been there as much. I prefer to study in environments that are much more convenient and that I’m familiar with. To the contrary, the main Library was all but. It was very unique from the school libraries that I am acclimated to. To say the least, it’s much bigger. It altered my sense of Memphis because here again, I was quite impressed. The previous times I’d visited, it was always to the kiddy area. The library has so more to offer. My concept was that, it wasn’t going to be too much different from when it was located on Peabody, couldn ‘t have been more wrong. I took time to observe who visits the Main Library on an average day? What I found was that, this was almost made to be a complex thing to figure, all types of people were there. It is a place full of diversity. For that, I’m able to appreciate Memphis more than for being known as “The Old South.”

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