Thursday, April 2, 2009

Brooks Lecture and Trolley Tour

I really enjoyed the Brooks lecture, mostly because it made me look at art in a new way. I've always liked traditional art. My favorite is William-Adolphe Bouguereau's Au Pied or At the Foot of the Cliff which is on display at the Brooks. He is a very traditional artist and he's my favorite. His painting The First Kiss sometimes called Plato's Kiss was the inspiration for the -email name I've used since high school But during the lecture was about how new forms of art are not always seen as art or accepted. I realized I had a pretty close-minded definition of art. Then there was a sculpture that changed everything. It's call Fred the Frog Rings the Bell. It's an amazing depiction of a frog on a cross. I shouldn't like it and should find it sacrilegious like any good Catholic girl, but I absolutely love it and want it hanging on my wall. The next night when we went on the Trolley tour I tried to look at art that was appeasing to my eye that I would normally not look at because I thought I shouldn't like it. There was one black and white painting of a nude woman with an arched back I thought would look great in my bathroom. I thought the trolley was interesting. There are no good maps or directions and it was very confusing trying to figure out where to go. I think downtown is great to go, but parking and getting around is horrible. I had to drive around the block twice to find somewhere to park to meet everyone. I would go downtown more often if I could find things easier and get around easier. I think Prof. Branch had a great idea of the trolley needed to go all the way down to Midtown. I would go downtown all the time if I didn't have to drive or park and could get on a trolley near my apartment. I was really glad we finally got to eat at the Arcade. It was a nice little diner to eat in and I was surprised they had so many things to choose from besides the burger and shake staples.

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