Thursday, April 2, 2009

GCT experience

it's been a while since I blogged thanks to a belligerent blogger account but I finally figured out I needed to change my password, so I'm back...

I enjoyed the whole theatre experience. dinner and the play. I was really touched by the heartwrenching scene where they discover that the husband has lost all the money, but I was also really angry. I mean, honestly! she knew that he was irresponsible with money and she had to know he was going to do something like that. I lived as an enabler for a long time and I'm angry at myself for the enabling that I did in the past and I find that now that I'm past that I do not tolerate it well in others. so yes, I was touched by the emotion displayed by the actors, but I was predominantly angry at the foolishness of the mother. I completely agreed with the sister's response. I might have even gone further, except I shy away from confrontation generally (just ask Faith!). although, this might have pushed me so far that I'd have exploded.

and I agree with Faith about the end. I didn't see why taking the money offered by the neighborhood association representative was so wrong, I would have taken it, in fact I would have tried to get them to offer more. if they're going to be like that, then they are going to have to pay through the nose. and maybe that's vindictive, but that kind of attitude makes me angry and I would have probably responded that way just out of sheer anger. then I would have taken their money, waited until another house came up in the same neighborhood, and bought it. I think that any form of persecution should be punished and I know it might be considered wrong to have that attitude, but I have suffered in my own neighborhood after I came out of the closet and it makes me just as angry there.

anyway, enough ranting. other than being angry at the stupidity of the characters, I thought the play was beautifully done and a nice comment on the insanity of the time. as we discussed yesterday in english when talking about Blanche vs. Stanley on the spectrum of sanity vs. insanity, sometimes the sanest people have the most insane actions...

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I kind of agree with you about the taking the money, but think moving was the right thing to do. It's kind of like the morality assignment in psychology we did. Some things it's hard to know exactly what you would do until you're in the position, but I would like to think if someone tried to buy me out because I wasn't acceptable or didn't belong that I would stand my ground because my self-worth is more than the money. (Unless it was an unholy amount of money, lol, even I'm not priceless.)