Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sun Studios

The trip to Sun Studios let me see the impact Memphis has made on Memphis. I knew of the Million Dollar Quartet members, and Johnny Cash is one of my favorite artists, but I didn't know the impact of some of the earlier artists, especially Blues artists other than B.B. King. This has made me more interested in today's Memphis music scene. Rufus Thomas's Bear Cat was great. It's nice to see Blues musicians that still play in Memphis, like the one we heard at dinner. I do wish he had played more Blues songs and less popular songs though. I don't know very much about the history of Memphis music or the Blues, but the trip to Sun Studios has inspired me to learn more and to broaden my musical tastes. I think I may have even found a new favorite genre. I went on youtube and found a lot of videos from Sun Studios sessions of newer artists that have recorded there. Garrison Starr's Gasoline, and Amy La Vere's Killing Him were both very good and both women are native to the Memphis area. Amy's playing the new Minglewood hall on April 19. It's a Sunday and I may try to go. It would definitely be something different I've never done before. The show benefits True Story Pictures a Memphis non-profit group whose mission "is to document stories that educate, inspire and connect our community."

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