Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Memphis Animal Shelters

I am a huge animal lover, so when I read about how the animals were being abused at the Memphis Animal Shelter in the Commerical Appeal this morning, I became extremely angry. Apparently, the Memphis Animal Shelter was served a search warrant before sunrise because the animals there had been being abused, some were even starved to the point of requiring euthanasia. The article neglected to mention if the abuse was related to a lack of funds, or negligence from the employees. Our new mayor A.C. Wharton claims to do something to improve the conditions, which makes me feels a lot better, but it saddens me that it was happening in the first place. Clearly America is a country of animal lovers, Michael Vick was temporarily dismissed from the NFL for conducting pit bull fights. Therefore, I really upset to hear that animals are being abused in a place where they should be a temporary safe haven for them. Also, I looked up animal shelters in other cities in Tennessee, and the conditions there were much better than the Memphis Animal Shelter, including the animal shelter in nearby Bartlett, Tennessee. I sincerely hope that something is done about this in the near future because this problem does not seem all that difficult to fix.

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