Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hi; The Honor class had a picnic and topic discussion on Tuesday at the Forrest Park. I would like to let you all know just how interesting, informative, and most of all fun, we had eating and discussing the topic. We brought blankets, food and drinks, and our discussion book. The discussion on Nathan Bedford Forrest, being a Confederate memorial figure/hero was very intriguing, stemming from the reading of Memphis and The Paradox of Place written by Wanda Rushing. Everyone gave his or her perspective on the historical aspect of the park and it's memorial. We all walk around the park to determine if we could get the feel or insight, the people had in 1905 at the memorial dedication ceremony of the Forrest's monument. We also discussed today's affect the park have on people. There were many observations and comments, each with a remarkable distinctiveness.

The food was good and the discussion was knowledgeable and exciting. I think everyone had a good time while learning at the same time. I would like to suggest to those who have not already visited the park to do so. Those who have visited it to revisit it again to see if they can get a new perspective on the park. You may want to do some research on the park and it's commemorative figure first, you will find it very fascinating.


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